Responsible Business

Responsible Business

One of the World’s Leading Infrastructure Groups.

HOCHTIEF is one of the world’s leading infrastructure groups and operates sustainably to optimise the human, social, economic and environmental benefits from our work.

We have been listed in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index by S&P Global for since 2007 and been awarded strong ratings by institutions, such as MSCI, Sustainalytics and CDP


Building for a Better Future

HOCHTIEF PPP Solutions (UK & Ireland) alongside other business units within the Group has contributed to, developed and is responsible for implementing our Sustainability Plan 2025.

This will enhance our Environmental, Social and Governance role and ensure we best serve the interests of our partners, investors, employees, communities and the environment – now and for the future.

Collaboration, digitalisation and innovation are crucial to accomplish our sustainability plan.


Building for a Better Future

We aim to be climate neutral ‘net zero’ by 2045, 5 years ahead of the Paris Agreement’s target date.

Our sustainability plan comprises carbon reduction targets that support the goals of the Paris Agreement to stop global warming.

We will reduce our greenhouse gas emissions through increased awareness, knowledge, efficiency, green design solutions, low-carbon construction material, innovations in equipment/machinery, and improve construction and operation delivery.

By taking collective action across the value chain, we will support our customers and engage with our supply chain partners, while strengthening the resilience of our business against the effects of climate change.


As a sustainable infrastructure business, environmental and climate protection are integral parts of our mission. We aim to prevent negative impacts on the environment by offering solutions for sustainable and resilient PPP infrastructure.

We will achieve this by increasing awareness, using our expertise throughout the life cycle of our projects, and by working collaboratively with our customers and partners.


The health, safety and wellbeing of those that work for us or are affected by our work is our top priority – our positive culture is reinforced through the values, attitudes and beliefs we share with our customers, employees and supply chain partners.

We embrace our corporate responsibilities and understand they are achieved through the individual actions and behaviours of our staff. To reduce the risk of accidents, incidents and illness, we provide effective leadership, implement rigorous training, continuous monitoring and improvement procedures.

We are committed to using our business growth to positively impact communities in and around our projects. 

We operate a Sustainable Procurement best practice standard with social value being integral to our project strategy and decision making process – we realise our objectives by active collaboration and participation with customers, stakeholder and communities throughout the project life cycle.

Opportunities for local businesses, educators and people in employment, upskilling and career advancement and provided through our projects.


We are an equal opportunities employer with a fair and inclusive culture. We care about all the people who work for us respect the rights of individuals, their customs, traditions, their right to freedom of choice. 

We seek to eliminate all forms of prejudice, discrimination, bullying and harassment – we recruit and retain a diverse, highly skilled workforce who are creative, curious, self-confidence, ambitious and committed to our shared values. 

Our workplaces encourage diversity, wellbeing and social interaction so that every employee can reach their full potential. We encourage and support career progression and self-fulfilment through targeted training, mentoring and personal development programmes. 

We protect the fundamental human rights of everyone who works on our projects and only work with partners who are committed to our values.