Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

On this page, you will find information on how we process your personal data when you access this website.

  1. Name and address of the data controller

This website is operated by HOCHTIEF PPPS UK (also referred to as “HOCHTIEF PPPS” or “we”), which is also solely responsible for any data processing procedures associated with the website access, unless otherwise stated herein below.

You may contact us as follows:

Whitehill House, 
Windmill Hill Business Park, 
Whitehill Way, 
Swindon SN5 6PE

E-mail: enquiry@hochtief.pppsuk

  1. Contact information of the Data Protection Officer

You may reach our data protection officer at enquiry@hochtiefppps.uk

  1. Website access

Every access of our website inevitably involves the collection of specific, predominantly certain technical information, which may, however, be classified as personal data by the courts. This includes IP address, device identification, browser features, operating system details, language settings, referring URLs, duration of website access, and pages displayed.

When using this information, we do not collect any identifiable information about you. This information is required, however, to correctly deliver the contents of our website and to provide law enforcement authorities with the information required for criminal prosecution in the event of a cyber-attack.

Additional statistical analyses of these data may only take place after any personal reference has been removed.

Our authorisation for the aforementioned data processing arises on the one hand from our legitimate interests in operating an Internet presence (Art. 6(1) (f)) General Data Protection Regulation). With regard to the use of data to provide information to law enforcement authorities, our authorisation is based on our obligation to provide information to law enforcement authorities in the event of a cyber-attack (Art. 6(1) (c) General Data Protection Regulation).

Data transfer to other recipients will only occur to our hosting service provider, which hosts the website on our behalf.

We intend to retain the aforementioned personal data for a period of 7 days and to erase them afterwards.

A transfer to third countries outside the European Economic Area is not intended.

  1. Contact form

We are offering you a contact form to get in touch with us on a voluntary basis. Use of the contact form is not required for the use of our remaining website. If you use our contact form, we will collect your name, your address, your e-mail address, and the contents of the message. We use this information to verify whether the request is authentic and to respond to your request. By processing the data, we pursue the legitimate interests to respond to your inquiries and any follow-up questions (Art. 6(1) (f) General Data Protection Regulation). In addition, we are obligated to retain data in accordance under commercial and tax law provisions (Art. 6(1) (c) General Data Protection Regulation).

The data are transferred to our hosting service provider, which hosts the website on our behalf, the web admin, internal contacts (such as Press Department, Investor Relations, etc.), and contacts in the operative units (e.g., Sales or Branch Management).

We intend to keep the aforementioned data for a period of 10 years and to erase them afterwards.

A transfer to third countries outside the European Economic Area is not intended unless the request relates to participation in specific projects in America or the Asia-Pacific region; in this event, the requests will be forwarded to the relevant HOCHTIEF subsidiary with your consent.

  1. YouTube player

We have integrated components from YouTube on this website. YouTube is an Internet video portal that allows video publishers to post video clips free of charge and other users to view, rate, and comment on them free of charge. YouTube allows the publication of all types of videos, which is why entire movies and TV shows, music videos as well as trailers or videos produced by users themselves may be accessed via the Internet portal. The purpose of the integration is our legitimate interest in being able to present videos to you on our website (Art. 6(1) (f) General Data Protection Regulation).

YouTube is operated by YouTube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066, USA (hereinafter referred to as “YouTube”). YouTube is a subsidiary of Google.

Each time you access a single page on which a YouTube component (YouTube player) is integrated, the web browser on your computer is automatically prompted to download a display of the corresponding YouTube component from YouTube. The YouTube videos on this website are embedded in “enhanced privacy mode.” Accessing the pages leads to a connection with YouTube and the DoubleClick network. Clicking on the video may trigger additional data processing procedures over which we no longer have control. Additional information on YouTube is available at  https://www.youtube.com/yt/about/en/ . As part of this technical process, YouTube and Google receive information about the specific subpage of our website that you are accessing.

By accessing a subpage that contains a YouTube video, YouTube recognises which specific subpage of our website you are visiting when you are logged in to YouTube at the same time. This information is collected by YouTube and Google and assigned to your respective YouTube account.

Via the YouTube component, YouTube and Google obtain information that you have visited our website whenever you are logged in to YouTube at the same time as you visit our website, regardless of whether you click on a YouTube video or not. If you do not want this information to be transmitted to YouTube and Google, you may prevent this transmission by logging out of your YouTube account prior to visiting our website.

You may also prevent the establishing of an automatic connection at any time by means of an appropriate setting of the web browser that you are using; you will then still be able to use our site, although without videos.

The Privacy Policy published by YouTube, which is available at  https://www.google.de/intl/en/policies/privacy/, provides information about the collection, processing, and use of personal data by YouTube and Google.

We do not store any personal data as part of our use of the YouTube player.

Personal data will not be transmitted to other recipients.

  1. Cookies

This website uses cookies. Cookies are text files that are stored on a computer system via a web browser.

Numerous websites and servers use cookies. Many cookies contain a “cookie ID.” A cookie ID is a unique identifier of the cookie. It consists of a string of characters through which websites and servers can be assigned to the specific web browser in which the cookie was stored. This enables the accessed websites and servers to distinguish your individual browser from other web browsers that contain other cookies. A particular web browser can be recognised and identified by its unique cookie ID.

The use of cookies serves our legitimate interests in ensuring the functionality of the website and to keep the visit consistent, i.e., to receive information during a session and to carry out statistical analyses (Art. 6(1) (f) General Data Protection Regulation).

Recipients of the data are the web administrator, the hosting service provider that we use, as well as external programmers, who each work on our behalf. Personal data from the cookies will not be transmitted to other recipients.

You can prevent the setting of cookies by our website at any time by means of an appropriate setting of your web browser and thus permanently object to the setting of cookies. In addition, cookies that have already been set may be deleted at any time via a web browser or other software programs. This feature is available in all common web browsers. If you deactivate the setting of cookies in your web browser, however, not all functions of our website may be fully usable under certain circumstances.

We intend to erase the aforementioned data after the end of the respective browser session.

A transfer to third countries outside the European Economic Area is not intended.

  1. Google Analytics

We are using the services of Google Analytics to analyse usage data (device identification, browser features, operating system details, language settings, referring URLs, duration of visits, pages displayed). In this process, cookies are used that enable a statistical analysis of the use of this website by its visitors as well as the display of use-related content or advertising. Cookies are explained in more detail in item 6. Google Analtics cookies do not contain any personally identifiable information.

The data generated with Google Analytics are processed and stored by Google Analytics on behalf of HOCHTIEF exclusively in UK and are thus subject to the strict UK and European data protection laws and standards. Google Analytics has been independently audited, certified, and awarded the Privacy Seal.

The data are processed on the basis of our legitimate interests in optimising our online offering and our website (Art. 6(1) (f) General Data Protection Regulation). Since the privacy of our visitors is particularly important to us, the IP address at Google Analytics is anonymised as early as possible, and login or device IDs at Google Analytics are converted into a unique key that is not assigned to a person. The data are processed exclusively by our web administration and Google Analytics. There will be no other use, combination with other data, or dissemination to third parties.

  1. Your rights

In accordance with the provisions of Articles 15-20 General Data Protection Regulation, you are entitled to request information from us about the personal data stored about you. In addition, you are entitled to request rectification, erasure, or restriction of the processing of the personal data stored about you.

With respect to the processing of your personal data on the basis of our legitimate interests, you are entitled to object to the processing of your personal data at any time on grounds relating to your particular situation (Art. 21 General Data Protection Regulation).

In addition, you are entitled to file a complaint with the supervisory authority if you believe that the processing of your personal data violates applicable data protection law.